Overthinking looks like this...


This is what overthinking looks like:

Last night, I was writing this email. I took these photos at 9:45 pm. I had several ideas for an email, including:

  • Doing nothing is an underrated business strategy.
  • Relationship currency or money currency. Which is more valuable?
  • The email hack that's getting me to (nearly) inbox zero EVERY day.
  • How seasoned business owners can benefit from acting like a rookie entrepreneur.

But I just. Could not. Finish one thought. Then I realized, "I'm overthinking this."

I was overthinking it because I deeply value your inbox space and your time. When I send out an email, it's from a thoughtful place of reflection and refinement.

Ultimately, I decided to send you an email about how to move forward when you're overthinking. How to do this continues below...

Final Rapid Roundtable of 2023

Before I get into the how-to, the next Rapid Roundtable live virtual event is Tuesday, December 12th, at 3:00 pm EST. This will be the final Rapid Roundtable of the year, and it's free for my email subscribers (that's you, Reader!) πŸŽ‰.

We'll discuss marketing in 2024 during this Rapid Roundtable. Please reply to this email with an "I'm in!" if you'd like to attend.

How to stop overthinking and take action

When I'm overthinking, here are the steps I go through to overcome it.

  1. Recognize I'm overthinking. If I'm not taking action, I'm probably overthinking.
  2. Stop trying. Remember what Yoda taught us. "Do or do not; there is no try." It's okay NOT to do something, but I either needed to do it or decide NOT to do it.
  3. Work the FUEL Framework. The FUEL Framework (Formulate > Upgrade > Expedite > Lauch). Here's how it worked during the hour of time it took me to move forward with this email.
    1. Formulate. The plan was to write an email with how-to steps for a business owner challenge and include a Rapid Roundtable invitation.
    2. Upgrade. I added the photos of me when I was in the middle of overthinking. I also decided to weave the FUEL Framework into this.
    3. Expedite. I gave myself one hour to complete this email. Sometimes, a time limit is all you need.
    4. Launch. I scheduled the email, and now you're (hopefully) reading it.

And that's how this email was finished!

My question to you is, what are you overthinking, and how can you apply the FUEL Framework to move forward?

Rapid Roundtable Details

The final one for 2023 is Tuesday, December 12th, at 3:00 pm EST. ↩️ Just reply to this email and let me know you'd like to attend, and I'll send you the calendar invite.

  • It's free and only for you because you're an email subscriber (thank you!).
  • It's only for business owners.
  • It's live and hosted on Zoom.

The agenda is this:

  • First 10 minutes: I'll welcome you and give you the guidelines.
  • Next 40 minutes: You'll enter a Zoom breakout room with no more than four business owners in each.
    • You'll quickly (30 seconds) introduce yourselves.
    • Then, you'll discuss marketing in 2024 and how it applies to your business.
    • I will pop into each room for a few minutes during this time.
  • Last 10 minutes: I'll bring everyone back into the main Zoom room and wrap up.

One hour can help you get and stay on track to achieve your goals. You'll also connect and collaborate with other business owners! If you have any questions, let me know.

Thanks for reading, and I'll be back next week!


Julie Bee


When you're ready, here's how I can help:

  • ​Attend a Rapid Roundtable Event (free). The last one of 2023 is December 12th at 3pm EST. This is exclusively for my email subscribers.
  • ​Join FUEL Sessions. The next Cohort starts the week of January 15, 2024. Formulate, Upgrade, Expedite, and Launch your initiatives! $297 for the four-week program.
  • ​Book a 1:1 Clarity Call. Identify how to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. $297 for the hour.





Julie Bee

Join 400+ entrepreneurs building sustainable businesses and avoiding burnout. Subscribers get free access to virtual events every month where entrepreneurs connect and learn from one another.

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